- To receive and approve apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
- To receive a presentation from Yvonne James, Chief Operating Officer, Monmouthshire County Citizens Advice
- To receive and approve the�minutes of the last meeting held on 12th May 2021
- To receive and approve the�minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 19th May 2021
- To receive and note the�Town Clerk�s Update
- To receive and approve the�budget reports for Month 2�(reports to follow)�2nd report
- To receive and approve the�Internal Auditors report 2020-21
- To receive and approve the Annual Governance Annual Return �&�Accounting Statements 2020-21
- To receive and approve the�monitoring report from Mind Monmouthshire
- To receive and approve the proposal from�Black Mountain Jazz for multiyear sponsorship.
- To receive and approve�expenditure on Christmas Lights additions
- To receive reports from Councillors attending meetings of External Bodies
- To consider and approve the following planning applications:
- 21/19978/FUL – Proposed single storey extension at Rose Cottage (Goode) Tyrewen Lane Llwyn Du Abergavenny NP7 7HU
- DM/2021/00662 – Construction of a Garden Cabin. The Cabin will be used to replace existing garden sheds as well as a home office/gym space and occasionally as a sleeping accommodation for visiting guests at 23 Chapel Road Abergavenny NP7 7DN
- DM/2021/00592 reconsultation Two storey extension in place of garage and conservatory at 14 Trinity Street Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 5EA
- DM/2021/00508 Alteration to existing porch and new sunroom extension to south elevation at Ty Cibi 6 Chapel Orchard, Abergavenny, NP7 7BQ
- DM/2021/00499Construction of new porch, extension to existing outbuilding and construction of second storey over existing single-storey garden room at 79 North Street, Abergavenny, NP7 7EB
- DM/2021/00562Proposed side and rear two storey extension at 5 Hastings Close, Abergavenny, NP7 9JD