1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  1. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  1. To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 17th July 2019
  1. To receive the Town Clerk’s Update (written report)
  1. To receive the Annual Governance Statement and Auditors Report (scanned file)
  1. To receive the internal financial control action plan arising from 2018-19 audit and delegate implementation to Policy & Resources Committee (table)
  1. To receive and approve the revised Standing Orders as recommended by Policy & Resources Committee
  1. To receive and approve the revised Financial Regulations as recommended by Policy & Resources Committee
  1. To receive and approve the report on Election of the Mayor (written report)
  1. To receive and approve the report on Offering Hospitality (written report)
  1. To receive and approve the report on Changes to Macebearer Arrangements (written report)
  1. To approve a waiver to financial regulations for the engagement of Sarah Price Landscapes for the maintenance of town centre planters as specified in the quotation provided as recommended by Environment Committee (Env Committee report)
  1. To receive and review progress on the ‘A More Responsive Council’ action table
  1. To elect a Minor Authorities Governor for Deri View Primary School
  1. Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this Committee

Supporting Papers

Minutes of the last meeting held 17 July 2019

Town Clerk’s Update

Annual Governance Statement Auditors Report 

Internal Financial Control Action Plan

Standing Orders 2019

Financial Regulations 2019

Election of Mayor report

Offering Hospitality report

Changes to Macebearer Arrangements report

Maintenance of Town Centre Planters report

Action Plan Table – A More Responsive Council