Draft Minutes

  1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  1. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  1. To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 10th November 2021
  1. To receive a presentation from James Roberts, Cyber Resilience Manager at Cyber Resilience Wales.
  1. To ratify the proposed budget for 2022/23.
  1. To receive and note the Town Clerk’s update.
  1. To consider and approve the following planning applications:

DM/2021/02021 Single Storey Ultraroof style extension. 20 Clos Y Pinwydd, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 5JP.

DM/2021/02051 Single storey side extension. 4 Knoll Gardens, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire,

NP7 7EJ.

DM/2021/01999 Demolition of existing lean-to extension, and construction of ground floor extension to rear (south) and side (west) elevations. Pitched roof construction with full-height glazing to rear elevation. Grasmere, 10 Avenue Road, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 7DA.

DM/2021/02008 Single storey rear and side extension. 34 Chapel Road, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 7DP.

DM/2021/02036 Proposed first floor extension. 46 Belgrave Road, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 7AG.

  1. To consider and comment on the proposed alteration to Zebra Crossing Layout at Merthyr Road, Abergavenny. (Appendix 1 & Appendix 2)
  1. To consider items for the agenda of the next Full Council meeting on 9th March 2022.