PC 31/22. To receive and approve apologies for absence
PC 32/22. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
PC 33/22. To receive and approve the minutes from the last meeting on 6th July 2022.
PC 34/22. To receive a verbal update from Y Fenni Business Community on plans for Christmas 2022.
PC 35/22. To discuss plans for the Remembrance Day Parade on Sunday 13th November 2022 and elect a sub-committee to work on plans for the event.
PC 36/22. To discuss plans for the Christmas Light Switch On Event for 19th November 2022 and elect a sub-committee to work on plans for the event.
PC 37/22. To receive and note the Town Clerk’s update
PC 38/22. Finance Report – to receive and approve the budget report for specific budgets allocated to this committee.
PC 39/22. Report from Councillors attendance at external bodies relevant to this Committee:
- Abergavenny Community Trust – Cllrs Barnes and Jones
- Abergavenny Eisteddfod – Cllrs Jones and Simcock
- Abergavenny Relief In Need Charity – Cllrs Simcock and Wilde
- Abergavenny Community Enterprise (ACE) – Cllrs Groucutt and Brocklesby
- Beaupreau Twinning Association – Cllrs Jones and Simcock
- Borough Theatre A4B – Cllrs Eldridge and Simcock
- Mind Monmouthshire – Cllrs Groucutt and Jones
- Monmouthshire CAB – Cllrs Barnes and Simcock
- Ostringen Twinning Association – Cllrs Simcock and Nicholson
PC 40/22. Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this
PC 41/22. Items for consideration at the next meeting 2nd November 2022.