1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  1. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  1. To receive a presentation from David Holman on the proposal for Abergavenny to twin with Domboshawa, Zimbabwe
  1. To receive a presentation from Mike Moran regarding the summer playscheme and SHEP (School Holiday Enrichment Programme)
  1. To receive and if appropriate approve the minutes from the last meeting on 6th November 2019
  1. To receive the Town Clerk’s update report
  1. To consider the twinning proposal and make a recommendation to Full Council.
  1. To review the summer playscheme budget allocation in light of the presentation from Mike Moran
  1. To consider the content of a Christmas Lights specification
  1. To receive and approve financial support to SHIFT project supporting young people with emerging mental health, emotional or wellbeing issues.
  1. To review the 2019 events and agree 2020 events
  1. To receive updates on prioritised action from the Children & Young People, Challenges of Demographic Change Action Tables
  1. To consider additional actions for inclusion in the action tables
  1. Reports from Councillors attending external bodies that are relevant to this Committee
  1. Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny that are relevant to this Committee
  1. Items for consideration at the next meeting 4 March 2020.

Supporting Papers

Draft Minutes

Twinning Proposal

SHIFT Project report

Christmas Light Specification

2020 Events

Action Plan Update