Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 11 March 2015 after the Town Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: The Mayor, Cllr M J Hickman JP.

Cllrs C Woodhouse, R Harris, Mrs M Harris, S Horrell, Mrs S Woodhouse, P Wadsworth, P Woodley and N Tatam.

In attendance: The Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs J Prosser, Ms S Dodd, Miss M Toombs, Mrs M Powell, D Edwards and P Jordan.

2. Declarations of interest were received from Cllr R Harris who is a member of the County Planning Committee and took no part in the MCC Planning decisions.

3. The following Planning Applications were recommended for approval:

DC/2014/01537 Listed Building Consent, Single storey extension,6 Merthyr Rd, Abergavenny subject to the views of the Conservation Officer.

DC/2014/01536 Planning permission for single storey extension, internal alterations and studio               extension to garage at 6 Merthyr Rd, Abergavenny

DC/2015/00036 Planning permission for extension to car park to provide twenty additional car parking spaces at Aldi Stores, Monmouth Rd, Abergavenny

DC/2015/00172 Modification or Removal of Condition 12 from planning permission DC/2012/00202 to extend the opening and delivery hours of the existing food store from 8am – 9pm to 8am -10pm (Mondays to Saturdays) and delivery times increase from 7am-9pm to 7am – 10pm. Aldi Stores, Monmouth Rd, Abergavenny

DC/2015/00155 Planning permission for extension to rear of property to provide a bathroom/bedroom suitable for wheelchair user and disabled parking space adjacent to the main entrance , 32 Underhill Crescent, Abergavenny. (Cllr Woodley declared an interest in this application and took no part in it)

DC/2015/00013 Planning permission for rear extensions and internal alterations at 119 Park Crescent, Abergavenny.

DC/2015/00156 Planning permission for provision of ground floor toilet/shower area together with an extension providing kitchen dining room suitable for wheelchair use at 52 North Street, Abergavenny

DC/2015/00070 Planning permission for demolition of stores 1 and 2 , construction of new joinery 

workshop and offices. Also extension and upgrading of a former garage to provide 3 new workshop

units at 21 Nevill Street, Abergavenny.

DC/2014/01469 Change of use Planning permission to existing caretakers bungalow to form family

contact centre at King Henry VIII School, Old Hereford Rd, Abergavenny.

BBNP Planning application for internal alterations at Sunnyvale Farm, Sunny View Lane, Llwyn Du, Abergavenny, subject to the views of the Conservation Officer (Cllr Hickman declared an interest in this application as a member of the BBNP Planning Committee)

4. The following application was recommended for refusal:

DC/2015/00039 Advertisement consent for 3 internally illuminated fascia signs and 1 non illuminated fascia sign at Bon Marche, 23-24 High Street, Abergavenny. The Town Council does not approve of internally illuminated signs in the Town Centre.

There being no other business, the meeting ended at 8:15pm.