TOWN MAYOR                                                                                                TOWN CLERK

CLLR CHRIS WOODHOUSE                                                                           MARK BRISTOW


Minutes of the Planning Committee of the Council held on Wednesday, May 11, 2016, following the Full

Council meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr J Prosser (Deputy Mayor)

Cllrs Mrs S Woodhouse; Mrs M Powell; Ms S Dodd; R Harris; D Simcock; S horrell; M Hickman; N Tatum; P Jordan

In attendance: The Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs M Harris; D Edwards and M Toombs.

2. Declarations of interest were made by Cllr R Harris as a member of the County Planning Committee and he took no part in the decisions of the meeting.

3. The following planning applications were recommended for approval:

DC/2016/00284 Planning Permission:  Single storey pitched roof extension between 1 Park Court and 44 Park Avenue.  1 Park Court, Abergavenny  NP7 5SR. Move to approve subject to the normal rules and conditions of officers

DC/2016/00332 Advertisment Consent:  Fascia sign.   25A Lion Street, Abergavenny  NP7 5PE. Approved subject to the rules and regulations of signage in the town. 

DC/2016/00429 Advertisement Consent:  2no new shop front fascia signs to front and return elevations over frontage.  1no projecting sign to front elevation.  1 Cross Street, Abergavenny  NP7 5EH  

DC/2016/00424 Modification or Removal of Condition:  Variation to Condition 1 (list of approved drawings) of DC/2016/00080.  Knoll Gardens, Brecon Road, Abergavenny  NP7 7RE Approved although it was felt there was inadequate information about explanation and conditions.

DC/2016/00367 Planning Permission:  Proposed erection of 1.8m high close boarded fence for approximately 39m.  Positioning south side of property boundary with Brecon Road.  The present hedge has two large unsightly gaps which are partly shielded by wooden panels.  8 Knoll Gardens, Brecon Road, Abergavenny  NP7 7EJ

DC/2016/00389 Planning Permission:  Proposed single storey rear extension.  Waterloo Cottage, Pen Y Pound, Abergavenny  NP7 7RN 

DC/2014/00444 Advertisement Consent:  To provide a digital screen within a secure frame sited on existing civic society noticeboard.  Public Open Space, Cross Street, Abergavenny. Approved subject to further information being supplied. An invitation to Projects Committee was proposed and Cllr Dodds suggested  a demonstration should be given.

DC/2016/00245 Planning Permission:  Proposed demolition of showrooms/workshop buildings (B2/B8) and development of 3 A1 units with first floor flats (C3).  33 Brecon Road, Abergavenny  NP7 5UH

DC/2016/00246 Conservation Area Consent:  Listed Building Consent – Proposed demolition of showrooms/workshop buildings (B2/B8) and development of 3 A1 units with first floor flats (C3).  33 Brecon Road, Abergavenny  NP7 5UH  Approved subject (Cllr Jordan) to the observation to officers that windows could be positioned more appropriately.

4. A discussion of permission for the construction of 250 residential units with associated demolition and infrastructure works at Deri Farm was postponed awaiting further information from Monmouthshire County Council.

There being no other business, the meeting ended at 9.15pm.