Minutes of the Planning Committee of the Council held on Wednesday 12 March 2014 after the Town Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall Abergavenny.

Present: The Mayor (Cllr Mrs S Woodhouse)

Cllrs C Woodhouse, Mrs M Harris, R Harris, N Tatam, Ms S Dodd, Miss M Toombs and  J Prosser.

In attendance: The Town Clerk

1. Apologies or absence were received from Cllrs M Hickman, M Chiplin, P Wadsworth, R Harries, D Edwards, P Jordan and Mrs M Powell.

2. Declarations of interest were made by Cllr R Harris as a member of the County Planning Committee. He took no part in the discussions.

3. The Following application was considered with no objection being raised:

DC/2014/00164 Planning permission for construction of patio area to rear of property bringing area level with access path and erection of a fence at 25 Mount Street, Abergavenny.

4. An appeal concerning 31 Albert Rd Abergavenny was noted.

5. The application DC/2014/00238 – Discharge of Conditions on land adjacent to The Knoll, Brecon Rd, Abergavenny was also noted with no comment.

The meeting ended at 8:25pm