Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 13 September 2017 after he Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.
Present: Cllr D Simcock, (Mayor),
Cllrs R Harris, M Groucutt, M Hickman, S Head, T Konieczny, G Jones, Mrs P Simcock, N Tatam, F Morgan, L Van de Vyver and T Thomas
In Attendance: The Acting Town Clerk
1. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllrs Ms S Dodd, Mrs T Davies, and Mrs M Harris
2. Declaration of interest was received from Cllr R Harris who is a member of the County Planning Committee. He took no part in the decisions of this meeting.
3. The following applications were recommended for approval
4. DC/2017/00925:�Planning Permission:�Conversion of coach house to ancillary accommodation and provision of link to main house.� Widening of entrance to drive.�16 Western Road, Abergavenny NP7 7AA A comment that the addition is not in keeping with the present building is also made.
5. Amended details��– Detailed soft landscaping proposals – Planning Permission�DC/2014/01360:�Construction of 250 residential units with associated demolition and infrastructure works.�Land at Deri Farm, Abergavenny. No comment�
6. DC/2017/00963:�Listed Building Consent:�New external fascia signage,�12 Thompson, Frogmore Street, Abergavenny NP7 5AG. Accept the Conservation Officer`s view.
7. DC/2017/00891:�Outline Planning Permission:�To split the garden of 47 Highfield Crescent and obtain outline planning permission for a dwelling using shared access.�47 Highfield Crescent, Abergavenny NP7 6DA. Recommend approval
8. Amended details�– dwelling – re-positioned within plot – Planning Permission��DC/2017/00482: One new domestic dwelling with on-site parking and private amenity space.�21 Llwynu Road, Abergavenny NP7 5TB�
9. DC/2017/00859:�Planning Permission:�Change of use from hair salon to clinic (aesthetics).� Clinical use which will include anti-wrinkle injections, derma roller and Mesotherapy.�50-51Beauty Central, Cross Street, Abergavenny NP7 5EU
10. DC/2017/00889:�Planning Permission:� Single storey extension.�24 Belgrave Road, Abergavenny NP7 7AL
11. DC/2017/00918:�Planning Permission:�Construction of a new hydrogen storage and vehicle refuelling system unit and associated signage.��Abergavenny Bus Station, Monmouth Road, Abergavenny NP7 5HF.��Concern was expressed about who will remove it if it fails.
12. DC/2017/00807:�Planning Permission:�Construction of rear extension, extension over existing garage, new double garage and garage conversion.�20 Avenue Crescent, Abergavenny NP7�7DE�The objection was noted and it was agreed to leave it to the Planning Officer to take account of it.(The Acting Clerk declared an interest as a neighbour to the objector)
13. DC/2017/00878:�Planning Permission:�Proposed internal modelling, rear first floor extension and associated external works to accommodate 9 new residential apartments.�Leven House, Lion Street, Abergavenny NP7 5NT
The following application was not considered as it had already been determined.
14. DC/2017/00863:�Planning Permission:�Demolition of existing garage, replacement with two storey building, consisting of garage, store and ancillary accommodation.�3 Chapel Orchard, Abergavenny NP7 7BQ It was noted that this application had been determined
15. Appeal concerning the Britannia Inn Site. After discussion it was agreed to submit a comment that development of the site is a priority as it is deteriorating at present.
The meeting ended at 9:25pm