Present: Cllr D Simcock (Mayor)

Cllrs T Konieczny, N Tatam, P Simcock, G Jones, R Harris 

In attendance: J Lee (Town Clerk)

Prior to the meeting Patrick Hannay, Chair of Team Abergavenny Enhancing Environment Group addressed the meeting in relation to the applications DC/2016/01342 and DC/2018/0007.  

Patrick Hannay and Cllr R Harris left the meeting prior to the Committee meeting commencing

  1. Apologies for absence

Received from Cllrs S Head, T Davies, M Harris, F Morgan, S Dodd, M Hickman, T Thomas, M Groucutt, L Van De Vyver

Written comments on the planning applications were sent to the Clerk by Cllr F Morgan prior to the meeting.

2. Declarations of Interest were received from Cllr R Harris. 

Cllr R Harris is a member of MCC Planning Committee. He took no part in the decision making and voting on these items and acted, where required, in a factual advisory capacity.

3. The following applications were recommended for approval:

DC/2018/00052 LBC for external and internal refurbishment at 16-17 High Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5RY

DC/2018/00006 new ground floor and first floor extensions at Unit 1 Thomas Industrial Estate, Lower Monk Street, NP7 5LU

DC/2017/01445 Conversion of existing dorm at The Great Western Hotel, Abergavenny, NP7 5HS

DC/2017/01469 Modification or removal of condition to extend permission for a further 3 years at 9 Park Crescent, NP7 5TH 

DC/2018/00092 Extend over and above existing single storey extension at Moorlands, 23 Avenue Road, NP7 7DA

DC/2018/00083 Replacement of existing outhouse with new building at 76 Chapel Road, NP7 7BL

DC/2017/01436 LBC to erect signage at Henton House, 28 Monk Street, NP7 7BL

DC/2018/00132 Change of use to allow the display and sale of garden sculptures at Cariad, 56 Cross Street, NP7 5EU

The following applications were recommended for refusal for the following reasons:

DC/2018/00059 and DC/2018/00060– Demolition of existing garage and construction of a new two storey family house at 10 Belmont Road, Abergavenny, NP7 5EU. The Town Council recommends refusal as this development does not reflect the local character and distinctiveness of this part of Abergavenny. This area is characterised by large houses in large plots and this proposed development would be visually prominent, would set a precedent and would detract from the character of the area. In particular, the Town Council considers this application to be contrary to points b), c), d), f) and l) of Policy DES1 – General Design Considerations. 

DC/2016/01342 – Design amendment including elevation treatments to Newbridge House, Tudor Street, NP7 5HU. The Town Council recommends refusal as the design amendments are not sufficiently extensive to alter the views of the Town Council previously submitted in October 2017. The Town Council considers the height of the building to be too high and contrary to Policy HE2 and the external finishes unnecessarily busy with too many colours and out of character with the area. A more fundamental solution to the site is required with could encompass the demolition of the existing building which would enable the design of a more acceptable scheme which should include an element of affordable housing. 

DC/2018/0007 – demolition of the Magistrates Court and Police Station and erection of a building comprising 47 retirement living apartment at Tudor Street, Abergavenny. 

The Town Council welcomed the opportunity to take part in the pre-application consultation on this scheme however the overall impression was that the consulted scheme was more or less in its finished state and therefore any comments would have little or no impact on the submitted scheme. The Town Council would want to see in the future more open pre-application consultations where the Town Council is able to influence.  The Town Council welcomes the visualisations submitted with this application. 

The Town Council recommends refusal as the nature and scale of this development is out of character with the area and contrary to the LDP Policies DES1 and HE2. This is a large site in the context of Abergavenny and there is an opportunity here to enhance the place and character with a more innovative design that makes better use of the site. The proposed development closely adheres to the footprints of the current uses on the site i.e. buildings and car park which is an unnecessary constraint. Properties could be built adjoining Baker Street and the road at the rear of the site. Due to the change in levels on the site, the current scheme would result in the ground floor properties on the north side being partly below ground level which the Town Council considers to be poor design resulting in poor quality accommodation. More specifically the colour of the window detail and balcony detail is too dark and drab and the colour of the brick is also too dark. The balcony design will restrict natural light into the rooms which does not accord with the energy efficiency aspect of Policy DES1 j)  achieve a climate responsive and resource efficient design. Consideration should be given to location, orientation, density, layout, built form and landscaping and to energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy, including materials and technology.  

The Town Council would like to see this development referred to the Design Commission for Wales

4. Any Other Business


The meeting ended at 9.35pm