Minutes of the Planning Committee held after the Town Council Meeting on Wednesday 14 October 2015 in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr C Woodhouse (Deputy Mayor)

Cllrs Mrs M Harris, R Harris, M J Hickman, S Horrell, Mrs S Woodhouse, Ms S Dodd, R P Jordan, J L Prosser, M Beecham, D Simcock, and N Tatam.

In attendance : The Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs D Edwards and Mrs M Powell.

2. Declarations of interest were made by Cllr R Harris who took no part in the meeting as he is a member of the County Planning Committee.

3. The following applications were recommended for approval.

DC/2015/00973 Planning permission for temporary change of use of Castle Meadows from  amenity/agricultural grazing to outdoor leisure as a venue for the 2016 National Eisteddfod. Agreed subject to satisfactory reinstatement and concerns about access over Llanfoist Bridge being addressed.

 DC/2015/01124 Discharge of conditions on previous application DC/2013/00304, conditons 6 (details of  the proposed windows, external doors, eaves, canopies, juliet balconies etc) and 7 (details of the proposed  dormers, portico and the timber-clad mid-section) and 21 (drainage details)

removal of conditions be subject to the decision of the Planning Officer that they have been properly met.

 DC/2015/01040 Planning permission for renovation and extension of existing factory site at former

 Cranberry Foods Factory, Heads of the Valley Road, Abergavenny. 

DC/2015/01173 Listed Building consent for replacement of 31 painted softwood modern double glazed storm proof windows with new white colour coated aluminium slim double glazed units at 1-8 Rachel Herbert Almshouses, Baker Street, Abergavenny, subject to the Conservation Officer`s approval.

DC/2015/01174 Planning permission for construction of 12 retirement apartments (C3 use) and 5 supported living apartments (C2 use)  and associated works at Old Hereford Rd, Abergavenny. It is suggested that solar panels be considered at the development stage.

DC/2015/01168 Planning permission for demolition of existing single storey garage/store and construction of new single storey garage and store building at 83 Chapel Road, Abergavenny.

DC/2015/01117 Advertisement consent for new signs at 11 Monmouth Rd, Abergavenny. The fascia signs are accepted but the Conservation Officer`s opinion should be sought on the other signs due to their size.

DC/2015/01143 Planning permission for replacement shop-front at 5 High Street, Abergavenny.

DC/2015/01146 Advertisement Consent for consent to display a fascia sign and replacement hanging sign between 1/10/2015 and 30/09/2020 at 5 High Street, Abergavenny. The hanging sign should be externally illuminated. (Cllr Jordan declared an interest and left the meeting for the last two applications)

There being no other business, the meeting ended at 8:55pm