Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 28 April 2014 after the Projects Committee in the Mayor`s Parlour, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr Mrs S Woodhouse, (Mayor)

Cllrs C Woodhouse, M Hickman, Mrs M Harris, R Harris, R Harries, N Tatam, Miss M Toombs,

In attendance: The Town Clerk and Mr A Anderson 

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mrs M Powell, Ms S Dodd, P Wadsworth, J L Prosser, D Edwards.

2. Declarations of interest were received from Cllr R Harris as a member of the County Planning Committee. He took no part in the voting.

3. The following applications were recommended for approval:

DC/2014/00279 Planning permission for construction of additional parking spaces adjacent to highway, grassed areas to be removed and replaced with open grade tarmac or similar at Wellfield Close, Abergavenny (on condition that the surface is porous; there is flooding on the adjacent road quite often)

DC/2014/00070 Planning permission for installation of new double doors and ramp to rear elevation for stock delivery and installation of air-con condenser units to rear wall at 11-13 Cibi Walk Shopping Centre

DC/2014/00075 Advertisement consent for installation of new shop frontage and part new shop frontage including new internally illuminated shop signage at 11-13 Cibi Walk (should comply with the usual conditions about not having internally illuminated signs)

DC/2014/00080 Planning permission for new house and associated garage at Union Road East, Abergavenny

DC/2014/00267 Modification or Removal of Condition. Variation of condition 5 of previous approval DC/2010/01065, The Cattle Market, 1 Park Rd, Abergavenny 

DC/2014/00242 2 storey extension to provide improved kitchen, living and utility accommodation at ground level and new guest bedroom and improvements to bedroom 3 at first floor, 4 Clifton Rd, Abergavenny

DC/2014/00159 3x awnings at front of shop and 1xprojected sign for Retro Baguettes, 7-8 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny (should comply with the usual conditions about not having internally illuminated signs)

DC/2013/00473 Re-siting of dwellings at Land adjacent to The Knoll, Brecon Rd, Abergavenny

The meeting ended at 8:30pm