Minutes of the Planning Committee of the Council held on Wednesday 8 October 2014 after the Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.

Present: Cllr M J Hickman JP, Mayor.

Cllrs J L Prosser, Ms S Dodd, P Wadsworth, P Jordan and N Tatam

In attendance : The Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mrs M Powell, Mrs M Harris, R Harris, C Woodhouse, Mrs S Woodhouse and Miss M Toombs.

2. Cllr Edwards brought to members` attention a licensing application to locate an ice-cream van in High Cross each day during working hours. He asked councillors for their views. It was considered that this is a wholly inappropriate location as it is a busy amenity space which is occasionally used for exhibitions or stalls but not any sort of obstructive permanent feature. There would also be the likelihood of pollution from the engine used to refrigerate the products, which would be objectionable. The Clerk was instructed to write expressing the Council`s concerns to the Licensing Officer. Cllr Edwards apologised for absence and left at this point as he had an interest in Planning as a member of theCounty Planning Committee .

3. Declarations of interest would be made as and when necessary during the meeting.

4. The following Planning Applications were recommended for approval:

DC/2014/01042 Application for sub-division and change of use from Class A1 to ClassA3 and external alterations including the installation of ventilation and extraction equipment at Unit 1B, Lion Works, King Street, Abergavenny subject to concerns about obstructive parking. It is recommended that a condition is applied to instal bollards on the pavement to prevent this.

DC/2014/00884 Listed Building Consent for internal and external alterations to existing retail unit and installation of 1 no Air conditioning unit to rear of property at 69 Frogmore St, Abergavenny Subject to the views of the Conservation Officer.

DC/2014/01076 Telecommunications Notification for installation of 1 Openreach broadband cabinet at 7 Mill Street, Abergavenny

DC/2014/01018 Proposed addition of milk silo and minor changes to fencing and gate entrance at Abergavenny Fine Foods, Unit 4-7 Castle Meadows Park, Merthyr Rd, Abergavenny

DC/2014/01059 Proposed garage at The Manse, 62 North Street, Abergavenny

DC/2014/00697 Replacement of 2 non-illuminated fascia signs, addition of 1 non-illuminated fascia sign and addition of 1 non-illuminated hanging/projecting sign at Sue Ryder Care, 18 Nevill Street, Abergavenny

DC/2014/01125 Demolition of existing and erection of new garage at 26 Wyndham Rd, Abergavenny

5. Request from Mr Cartwright.

A request had been received from Mr Cartwright of Summerfield Rd to make representations on his behalf about the development on the plot next to his property. Members noted that at the time of the request Monmouthshire County Council had not stated whether they were considering the development as lawful, and it is Mr Cartwright`s view that it is not because work had not started on the plot during the currency of the Planning Approval. Cllr Prosser had further information which was that in the view of the Planning Department Mr Cartwright had failed to prove conclusively that development had not started during this time, and the developer had stated that it had, as he had removed a garage after the application had been approved. In view of this additional information, councillors considered that they could not offer any support to Mr Cartwright although they had sympathy with his position. The Clerk will write to him to express this view.

The meeting ended at 8:55pm