Present: Cllr T Davies (Chair)
Cllr N Tatam
Cllr M Groucutt
Cllr D Simcock
Cllr P Simcock
Cllr T Thomas
Cllr R Harris
Cllr M Harris
Cllr F Morgan
Cllr G Jones
Cllr M Hickman
Cllr T Konieczny
Cllr S Dodd
In attendance: J Lee (Town Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence
Received from Cllrs Morgan Lewis and Luke Van de Vyver.
2. Declarations of Interest
Cllr R Harris is a member of MCC Planning Committee. He took no part in the decision making and voting and acted, where required, in a factual advisory capacity.
Cllr F Morgan declared an interest in application DM/2018/01845 as the applicant is his neighbour. However, as the application has already been determined this application would not be considered.
3. Presentation from Dick Cole, Abergavenny & District Civic Society on the Candidate Site Process, BBNPA LDP.
Dick Cole informed the meeting that the Civic Society has decided not to submit candidate sites to the BBNPA. However, a presentation on the LDP process and potential issues for the MCC LDP replacement plan was given. A handout was provided.
Points to note (in addition to the handout):
- The new LDP has to be in place before the current plan expires otherwise there would be no planning policies which may lead to unwanted development
- Candidate sites identified following the initial call will be on MCC’s website in February
- Most recent population projections are lower than the projections that the current LDP is based on.
- The Civic Society is lobbying for the new LDP to reduce the need for commuting by bringing jobs and housing closer together.
- The Examination in Public is managed by the Planning Inspectorate and the appointed Planning Inspector has to approve the plan as ‘sound’
- Concern that housebuilding is in the main carried out by 6 national companies and what can the LDP do to encourage and small house builders and self -build?
- MCC is working up a proposal for the Council to commence building new homes.
The Mayor thanked Dick Cole for attending.
4. The following applications were recommended for approval
DM/2018/01960 Householder application for proposed two storey extension and internal alterations at Fourways, Alexandra Road, Abergavenny, NP7 5PE
DM/2018/02051 Householder application for first and ground floor extensions to existing dwelling at 35 Avenue Road, Abergavenny, NP7 7DB
DM/2018/02035 Householder application for extension and adaptation of the property to provide a utility and boot room including new and replacement windows and doors at Annex, 3 Western Road, Abergavenny, NP7 7AA
A decision was not made on the following applications, however a recommendation was made for the case officer to heed the comments made by other parties
DM/2018/01933 Planning permission for a proposed extension of residential curtilage and erection of a domestic garage at 1 Raglan Terrace, Abergavenny, NP7 9SR
- The Town Council recommends that full consideration is given to the potential flooding issues and other objections submitted
DM/2018/01870 Planning permission for a new dwelling adjacent to Old Station Surgery with associated parking and landscaping on land adjacent to Old Station Surgery, 39 Brecon Road, Abergavenny
- The Town Council recommends that full consideration is given to the proposed adjacent active travel route and that the value of the trees on site.
It was noted that application DM/2018/01845 had already been determined.
5. Any Other Business
The meeting closed at 7.50pm