Present: Cllr T Konieczny (Chair)
Cllr T Davies
Cllr N Tatam
Cllr M Groucutt
Cllr F Morgan
Cllr G Jones
Cllr D Simcock
Cllr R Harris
Cllr M Harris
Cllr L Van de Vyver
In attendance: J Lee (Town Clerk)
- Apologies for absence
Received from Cllrs S Dodd, T Thomas, M Hickman, P Simcock, M Lewis
- Declarations of Interest
Cllr R Harris is a member of MCC Planning Committee. He took no part in the decision making and voting and acted, where required, in a factual advisory capacity
- The following applications were recommended for approval
DM/2019/00936 LBC General decoration of existing shop front, works to include the replacement of existing fascias and projecting signs at Nationwide Building Society, 21 High Street, NP7 5RY
DM/2019/00935 Advertisement Consent Nationwide Building Society, 21 High Street, NP7 5RY
DM/2019/00934 Planning Permission General makeover of existing shop front, works to include the replacement of existing fascias and projecting signs at Nationwide Building Society, 21 High Street, NP7 5RY
DM/2019/00891 Fasttrack householder application – Rebuilding of main chimney, removal of remains of rear chimney, replacing/upgrading of some gutters, replacement of canopy to coal hole and introduction of minor renderwork to rear elevation at Invergowrie, 7 Windsor Road, NP7 7BB
DM/2019/01071 Fast track householder application Proposed refurbishment of existing garage and installation of new windows/doors to entire property. Works also include minor alteration to internal layout at 29 Victoria Street, NP7 5DS
It is assumed that the Planning Officer would provide guidance to the householder on the appropriate materials to use in this refurbishment for a property in a Conservation Area.
DM/2019/01002 Householder application replacement of an existing extension to form new living accommodation, garage and garden store at 72 Chapel Road, NP7 7DS
DM/2019/01151 Fast track householder application for renovation and eco refurbishment of existing dwelling including a single storey rear extension at 46 Chapel Road, NP7 7DS
The following applications were recommended for refusal on the basis that the application is contrary to a condition agreed by Planning Committee for no further development on this site. This application is considered overdevelopment of the site.
DM/2019/01032 Planning Permission for domestic garage on previously approved site at Hillcrest, 14 Lansdown Road, NP7 6AN
The following applications were only noted as one had been determined and the other a non-material amendment
DM/2019/01030 Non material amendment – minor amendments to windows with reduction in sizes at 12 Lansdown Road, NP7 6AN
DM/2019/00867 Fast track householder application for proposed garage and first floor workshop on existing site at Skye House, Pentre Road, NP7 7BE
- Growth & Spatial Options Report
Councillors discussed the MCC LDP Replacement Growth & Spatial Options Report and were asked to send comments for inclusion in the Town Council�s response to the Town Clerk by Monday 29th July. The Town Clerk will then draft a response, circulate to all Councillors for comment prior to submission to MCC by the deadline of 5th August.
At the meeting, two observations for inclusion in the response were highlighted:
- How will the declining population forecasts impact on Monmouthshire which has a higher proportion of older people than the Wales average? This could result in more dwellings (some substantial and capable of being split into multiple occupation) becoming available as the older generation dies so is there a need for all the new homes that are being forecast?
- Neighbouring authorities may be in a better position to take some of the growth but this doesn’t seem to be a consideration.
The meeting closed at 9.20 pm