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Draft Minutes
- To receive and approve apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda.
- To approve the minutes from 16th February 2022.
- To receive a presentation and funding request from Sharon Hobday & Gina Robertson from The Chronicle on the Community in Kindness Awards.
- To consider a small grant application from Eisteddfod Y Fenni.
- To consider the suggested Climate Crisis Policy from Environment Committee.
- To receive a report from the Town Clerk on a virement request.
- To receive and note recent payments made in Month 11, including all relevant income and expenditure reports.
- To receive and note the Audit Wales return for 2021.
- To receive reports from Councillors attendance at external bodies which are relevant to this Committee.
- To consider items for the next meeting on 13th April 2022.