Draft Minutes

  1. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
  1. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda.
  1. To approve the minutes from 18th May 2022.
  1. To receive a verbal report from ACE in support of their renewal of the cooperation agreement with ATC.
  1. To receive a presentation from Abergavenny Food Festival to renew the sponsorship agreement going forward.
  1. To receive an online presentation from Abergavenny Branch of Monmouthshire Citizens Advice Bureau on renewing their Cooperation agreement with ATC.
  1. Finance reports: Months 1 and 2 to be received and approved.
  1. To receive and note an update from the Town Clerk.
  1. To consider and make recommendations regarding the following planning applications:

DM/2022/00724 Prefabricated home office to front garden of property. Flat roof finish and light painted timber cladding finish. Stanhope Lodge, Chapel Lane, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 7BT.

DM/2022/00593 Replacement ATM and signage and new CCTV camera. Hsbc, 2 – 3 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 5AF.

DM/2022/00793 Proposed new vehicular access off of Park Crescent and convert existing vehicular access to a pedestrian only access . This work involves the demolition of part of the existing garage and boundary wall to accommodate the proposed vehicular access. Development Of Residential Dwelling At Former Mulberry House, Pen Y Pound, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire.

  1. To receive reports from Councillors attendance at external bodies which are relevant to this Committee.
  1. Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this Committee.
  1. To consider items for the next meeting on 13thJuly 2022.