Minutes of the Policy Committee held on Wednesday 24th October 2018 at 6pm in the Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Abergavenny


            Cllr D Simcock (Chair)

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr T Konieczny

In attendance:

J Lee (Town Clerk)

Appointment of a Chair for the meeting   Cllr D Simcock agreed to chair the meeting  
Apologies   Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs F Morgan and G Jones  
Declarations of Interest   None  
To consider the following draft policies  

Honorary Titles Policy  
The proposed draft policy widens the title of Honorary Burgess so that it can apply to members of the community that have given extensive and eminent service to Abergavenny rather than the current understanding that it is for ex-town councillors. Discussion took place on the distinction between Honorary Burgess, Honours Board and Community Award. Cllr P Simcock proposed and Cllr Konieczny seconded that these three awards been considered together and appropriate policy(ies) be drafted and considered by Council together. Therefore more work is required and Policy Committee will reconsider.  

Communication Policy  
Elements of the draft can be incorporated into the Council’s Strategy document. This will create a more succinct Communication Policy. The Communication Policy should reference the separate Social Media Policy. The policy should be realistic on what can be achieved with a small officer team.   ACTION: JL to re work the Communication Policy in advance of Council on 14th November  

Social Media Policy  
All agreed that this is an essential policy and the WLGA Social Media Guidance should be referenced in this policy. Start of section 6 “ Whenever using social media you must adhere…..”  
ACTION: JL to re work the Social Media Policy in advance of Council on 14th November  

Investment Policy  
Agreed subject to addition of the final paragraph “The investments will be split between appropriate banks, building societies and other investment funds as determined by Finance and Full Council.”   ACTION: JL to re work the Investment Policy in advance of Council on 14th November  

Complaints Procedure  
Agreed subject to highlighting the words “standard of service” in the introduction to distinguish this from a Code of Conduct matter. Also para 3.11 re the Complaints Panel, this should consist of the Mayor and three other councillors appointed at the AGM.   ACTION: JL to re work the Complaints Procedure in advance of Council on 14th November  

Member-Officer Protocol  
Recommend for approval by Council  
AOB   No AOB  

Meeting closed at 7.00pm


1. Further work on drafting Honorary Titles, Honours Board and Community Award policyAll
2. Rework the Communication Policy in advance of Council on 14th NovemberJL
3. Rework the Social Media Policy in advance of Council on 14th November  JL
4. Rework the Investment Policy in advance of Council on 14th November  JL
5. Rework the Complaints Procedure in advance of Council on 14th November  JL