Minutes of the Projects Committee held on Wednesday 28th November 2018 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny
Chairman – Cllr T Davies
Cllr N Tatam
Cllr M Harris
Cllr R Harris
Cllr T Thomas
Cllr M Groucutt
Cllr D Simcock
Cllr P Simcock
Cllr L Van de Vyver
Cllr G Jones
In attendance:
J Lee (Town Clerk)
Trustees of Abergavenny Community Trust – Chris Irving, Ffion Ansari, Nick Hoyal, Sarah Lloyd-Jones and Jeremy Gass and Marion Pearse, Abergavenny Community Centre Manager
Apologies � Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs M Hickman, S Dodd and T Konieczny � |
Declarations of Interest � None � |
Presentation by Andrew Powell & Lisa Morris on plans for an Abergavenny Carnival 2019 � To take place on Sat 29th June during the Arts Festival weekendThis will be a walking parade starting Gabb Square � Tudor Street � St John�s Square � Nevill Street � Frogmore St. Parade will take place during pedestrianised hours. Carnival committee already been in contact with a number of organisations � AAODS, Guides, Air Cadets � who are interested in being involved. Schools will be contacted after Christmas and idea of a logo competition to be discussed Funding is required to fund street entertainers, Jazz Band, hire seating & tables and insurance circa �4000 �400 to date raised by sponsorship Samba band workshops to be organised leading up to the carnival � possible link up with Abergavenny Community Centre as a venue for the workshops Carnival group to apply to the Town Council through the application process. � Councillors suggested a number of funding sources; Welsh Churches Fund, Melin Homes, Charter Housing. � The Mayor thanked Andrew and Lisa for their presentation. � |
To receive a presentation from Marion Pearse & Jeremy Gass from Abergavenny Community Trust Councillors received a tour of the building prior to the presentation to enable a better understanding of the issues and opportunities. � A paper was circulated by Jeremy Gass, Acting Secretary and a number of points were highlighted: � The Centre has a 25 year lease from MCC for the building and receives an 80% rental relief from MCC on �9250 annual rent bringing the rent to �1850 for the building, �1200 for the car park (no relief) and �1500 rates (after 80%) relief totalling �4550 a year for rent & rates�150,000 has been received from Garfield Weston to provide new toilets and welcome area and in this area to improve insulation and lighting Heating & lighting running costs are significant due to the lack of energy efficiency measures in the building and poor windows. Costs obtained to date, �10,000 for installation, �21,000 for a new boiler & heating system, �30,000 for a PV solar scheme which would save �3000 a year in heating bills Work is required in the grounds Core funding for staffing is required � Councillors had a wide ranging discussion with Trustees on their vision for the centre and were supportive of the work taking place at the centre. Cllr Groucutt suggested that the Town Council takes a role in co-ordinating similar activities across different centres in the town to prevent duplication and to improve collaboration. � Marion Pearse informed councillors that collaboration was already taking place such as Occupational Therapy from Mardy Park running sessions from the Community Centre. Maindiff Court clients use the centre and therefore questioned whether the relationships being the different organisations need to be formalised if the informal approach works. � � |
To consider the report on the Abergavenny Community Centre and discuss potential support from the Town Council � Councillors considered the report which sets out a new approach for the Town Council in supporting organisations. It suggests a partnership approach where Town Council financial support is given in return for set deliverables and these deliverables contribute to the four well-being objectives. The Community Centre currently delivers against all these objectives. � Some concern was expressed regarding other organisations in the town and how the Town Council works with them and that there should be discussion with these organisations prior to Finance Committee on 2nd January. On reflection it was identified that there would not be sufficient time for this and that the January Finance Committee and Council would discuss and agree the precept with the finalisation of the budget by the March Council meeting. This would allow more time for discussions with other potential partners. This partnership approach can be extended to other organisations if it is shown to work with Abergavenny Community Centre. � In discussions with Abergavenny Community Centre, both capital and revenue investments were identified. If capital were available in short term it could be invested on energy efficiency measures that would reduce heating & lighting bills. � It is recommended that: � The Town Clerk works with Abergavenny Community Centre trustees to draft a partnership agreement which includes capital and revenue over a three year period with the capital element front-loaded. � � � |
Any Other Business None |
Meeting closed at 9.00pm
The Town Clerk works with Abergavenny Community Centre trustees to draft a partnership agreement which includes capital and revenue over a three year period with the capital element front-loaded. | JL |