Minutes of the Projects Committee held on Thursday 29th March 2018 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny


Chairman –    Cllr D Simcock (Mayor)

Cllr T Konieczny

Cllr T Davies

Cllr S Dodd

Cllr N Tatam

Cllr P Simcock

Cllr F Morgan

Cllr M Groucutt

Cllr R Harris

Cllr T Thomas

Cllr L Van de Vyver

In attendance:

J Lee (Town Clerk)


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs M Harris, M Hickman, G Jones  
Declarations of Interest  

Declaration of interest was received regarding agenda item 7. Twinning Gifts as it will be proposed that Cllr Thomas’s wife makes the gift for the Beaupreau visit.  
To receive presentations from Y Fenni Business Community and MCC re Summer Playscheme.  

Lucy Hywel from Y Fenni Business Community addressed the meeting.

The main points raised were:  

Membership increasing now 131 members. No membership fees.

The Business Community has been established for 1 year and recently members agreed to continue

They will continue to publish the Town Brochure

Will arrange fundraising events which enables money to be donated to charities

Too early to say how the Morrison’s store has impacted on town centre businesses

Road layout/traffic light phasing by Morrison’s causing traffic delays

Information needs to be better re the Public realm works

Business Community would like more involvement in Christmas light switch-on event

Generally, Business Community would welcome greater involvement/liaison with the Town Council

Events planned by Business Community – Easter Egg Hunt, event to tie in with Green Man festival and an

October promotion Business Community welcomed getting involved in Abergavenny in Bloom and suggested that a letter to all town centre businesses should be sent out and it will also be promoted on the Y Fenni Business Community Facebook page.

Town Council to be invited to attend some future Y Fenni Business Community meetings.  

Mike Moran, MCC addressed the meeting. The main points raised were:  

In 2017, free of charge Open Access Play schemes were run in Abergavenny and Monmouth and places made available on the Monmouthshire Games sessions at the Leisure Centre

Funding is from a combination of sources including Families First, Town Councils.

Proposal for 2018 is to increase the number of places on Monmouthshire Games for children in receipt of Free School Meals from 42 in 2017 to 60

Open Access Play sessions will be available in the morning and afternoon as only one session per day in 2017 and will target children most in need

Town Council requested earlier sight of feedback and proposals for the following year to inform the budget setting process. Agreed that Mike Moran would attend projects in October.    
Matters arising from the Action Table  

The Town Clerk informed members that further discussions had been held with Christian Schmidt from MCC re car parking at the railway station and that the Clerk will make contact with Network Rail.  
Consideration of Playscheme 2018 proposals  

In light of the written proposal and presentation by Mike Moran, it was unanimously agreed to support the summer playscheme with £12,000 funding.  

ACTION: JL to inform Mike Moran of the Council’s decision  
Town Hall Redevelopment – Town Hall Requirements  

Members considered the plans prepared by MCC and agreed that the following comments be sent to MCC.  

Town Clerk office should be relocated to the top of the community room or another area on the 1st floorThe Mayor’s parlour is smaller so would require the ground floor room (currently earmarked for the Town Clerk) for storage of robes etc. Would the Town Council be able to hold its meetings in the mezzanine area rather than the community room, particularly if this is smaller due to the relocation of the Clerk’s office.

Clarification required as to whether the Town Council would need to relocate during works.  

ACTION: JL to send comments to Ben Winstanley, MCC  
Twinning Gifts  

Cllr Davies proposed that Jan Thomas, textile artist be commissioned to create a picture of the three hills surrounding Abergavenny as the Town Council delegation’s gift to Beaupreau Town. The cost would be £400.  
All agreed.  

Confirmation required as to whether a similar gift could be produced for the Ostringen visit in July.

ACTION: Cllr Davies to liaise with Jan Thomas re second picture    
Any Other Business  

Cllr Konieczny requested that the Town Council receives a presentation on the Youth provision in the town.  

ACTION: JL to arrange a presentation by the Head of Youth Services at MCC  

It was felt that the Committee would like to hear from the Youth Council at KHS.  

ACTION: Cllr Groucutt to contact the Headteacher to arrange.  


Inform Mike Moran of the Council’s decision  JL
Send Town hall redevelopment comments to Ben Winstanley, MCC  JL
Liaise with Jan Thomas re second picture for Ostringen visit  TD
Arrange a presentation by the Head of Youth Services at MCC  JL
Contact the Headteacher to arrange a discussion with Youth Council  MG