Diane English

Cllr. Diane English represents Park Ward on Abergavenny Town Council. She has lived in the town for more than 30 years.  She sits on the Policy and Resources Committee and is particularly interested in leisure, tourism and the environment.  Diane is a keen hill walker, enjoys gardening and prefers to cycle rather than take the […]

Philip Bowyer

Philip has lived in Abergavenny for 12 years. He is the Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee and brings to this role considerable experience in the organisation, administration, and finances of voluntary organisations. He is also a member of the Environment Committee. He has been involved in numerous campaigns in Abergavenny including those on […]

Kyle Eldridge

Kyle has lived in the town for nine years. He sits on People and Communities, Policy and Resources, and Environment. He is particularly interested in the empowerment of the most disadvantaged in society, especially being an autistic man himself. Alongside, his commitments at Abergavenny Town Council, Kyle also works at the University of South Wales […]