- To receive and approve apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
- To receive a presentation from Darryl White, Youth Service, Monlife on proposals for an improved premises for the Youth Service in Abergavenny
- To receive a presentation from Trustees of Abergavenny Community Trust on progress made at the Community Centre and future plans.
- To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 14th July 2021
- To receive and note the Town Clerk’s Update
- To receive and approve the budget reports for Month 4 2nd report & Month 5 (month 5 to follow)
- To receive and note the report on spend and reserves
- To receive a report on the Christmas Lights electrical health check and approved additional funding for the works required
- To agree the Town Council representative to attend the Melville Centre for the Arts CIC board meetings
- To receive and note the Code of Conduct Guidance 2021 from Public Services Ombudsman
- To consider the report from Abergavenny Community Trust requesting funding towards a solar PV Scheme
- To receive reports from Councillors attending meetings of External Bodies
- To consider and approve the following planning applications.
- DM/2021/01176 – The addition of a canopy and associated box to the principle elevation at 16 Nevill Street. Abergavenny, NP7 5AD
- DM/2021/01134 – External & internal alterations and the proposed change of use from Class A1 to mixed Class A1/A3 use and for consent to display an advertisement at 17 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5AH
- DM/2021/01234 – Garage conversion and extension to create porch area and GF WC at 23 Belmont Road, Abergavenny, NP7 5HN
- DM/2021/01394 – One bedroom self-contained annex in the garden to provide an independent living space for person with additional needs at 10 Skirrid Road, Abergavenny Monmouthshire, NP7 5UA
- DM/2021/01136 – Projecting sign to be hung off new wall bracket (non-illuminated) and existing fascia signage panel to receive paint decorations to match new scheme (lettering in Farrow & Ball Wevet on a background of Farrow & Ball Railings) at 17 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5AH
- DM/2021/01135 – LBC External & internal alterations and the proposed change of use from Class A1 to mixed Class A1/A3 use and for consent to display an advertisement at 17 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5AH
- DM/2021/01417 – Installation of permanent artificial cricket strip at ground level at Abergavenny Cricket Club, Avenue Road, Abergavenny, NP7 7DB
- DM/2021/01385 – Modification of condition 3 of planning permission DC/2015/00172 to amend delivery hours at Aldi Stores, Monmouth Road, Abergavenny, NP7 5HF
- DM/2021/01148 – Side extension and front porch at 31 Old Barn Way, Abergavenny, NP7 6EA
- DM/2021/01211 – Proposed installation of Air Source Heat Pump at 5 Plas Derwen Close, Abergavenny, NP7 9SQ
After the meeting, Abergavenny Community Centre Trustees would like to offer Councillors a tour of the community centre to show the improvements that have been made. This will be useful context for deliberations in October regarding a renewal of the multi year funding agreement