1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  2. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  3. To receive a presentation from Matthew Pritchard, Business Development Manager, Mind Monmouthshire
  4. To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting on 9th October 2019
  5. To receive the Town Clerk’s Update (written report)
  6. To receive the Committee budget and spend to date
  7. To receive and note recent payments made since the previous meeting
  8. To receive the interim report from the internal auditor
  9. To review the implementation of recommendations in the internal control action table
  10. To receive and if appropriate approve the following policies:

 – Sickness Absence Policy &  Reclaiming Allowances Policy

11.To receive and approve the Specific Allowances payments for 2019/20

12.To consider the request for financial assistance from Victim Support

13. Report from Councillors attendance at external bodies which are relevant to this Committee

14. Report from County Councillors on matters relevant to this Committee

15. Items for consideration at the next meeting 11th December.

Supporting Papers

Minutes of the last meeting

Paper from Mind Monmouthshire

Town Clerk’s Update

Budget report

Recent payments

Interim report from External Auditor

Internal Control Action Plan

Sickness Absence Policy

Reclaiming Allowances Policy

Specific Allowances Payments report

Financial Assistance Request from Victim Support