1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  1. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  1. To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting on 11th September 2019
  1. To receive the Town Clerk’s Update (written report)
  1. To agree the Service Delivery Sub Committee membership
  1. To receive the Committee budget and spend to date
  1. To receive and note recent payments made since the previous meeting
  1. To receive and approve the redesign logo for the website
  1. To receive and if appropriate approve the following small grant scheme applications:
  1. To receive and approve the recommendation from Environment Committee for the appointment of landscape advice (previous Environment Committee report attached)
  1. To receive and approve investment in the Gateway Credit Union (written report)
  1. To receive and if appropriate approve the proposal for a part-time Responsible Financial Officer (written report)
  1. To receive and if appropriate approve the following policies:
  1. Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this Committee
  1. Items for consideration at the next meeting 13th November.

Supporting Papers

Minutes of the last meeting 11 Sept

Town Clerk’s Update

Redesign of logo for website

Grant Application from Abergavenny Bowls Club

Grant Application from Abergavenny Soroptimists

Appointment of Landscape Advice

Investment in Gateway Credit Union

Proposal for a part-time Responsible Financial Officer

Model Publication Scheme

Training & Development Policy

Staff Appraisal Policy