27th April 2023

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend the People and Communities Committee Meeting on Wednesday 3rd May 2023 at 7pm, both online and in person at the Community Room, Town Hall. An MS Teams invitation will be shared for remote access.


Sandra Rosser

Town Clerk

Members of this Committee are currently Councillors Jones (Chair), Nicholson (Vice Chair), Barnes, Eldridge, George, Burch, Powell, Simcock, Wilde.

The public are permitted to address the meeting for up to 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. Maximum 5 minutes for each speaker. No decision can be taken during this session, but the Chair may decide to refer any matters raised for further consideration.


PC  25/23. To receive and approve apologies for absence.

PC 26/23. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda

PC 27/23. To receive and approve the minutes from the last meeting on 1st March 2023.

PC 28/23. To receive a presentation and funding request from Dance Blast

PC 29/23: To receive a funding request from Abergavenny Pride

PC 30/23. To discuss arrangements for the King’s Coronation 6th – 8th May 2023.

PC 31/23. To receive a report on the Events planned for Abergavenny in 2023.

PC 32/23: To receive and note the Town Clerk’s update.

PC 33/23. Finance Report – to receive and approve the budget report for specific budgets allocated to this committee.

PC 34/23. Report from Councillors attendance at external bodies relevant to this Committee:

PC 35/23. Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this Committee.

PC 36/23. Items for consideration at the next meeting 5th July 2023.