1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  1. To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
  1. To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 16th July 2020
  1. To receive and note the budget reports for Month 4 Doc 1, doc 2 
  1. To receive and approve the report regarding the appointment of a Macebearer
  1. To receive and approve the report recommending the renewal of the planting and watering contract with Willows Garden Centre
  1. To receive and approve the report recommending a financial contribution to the fit out of the Tourist Information Centre in the Town Hall
  1. To receive and approve the funding to the Abergavenny Food Festival
  1. To consider the report from the Allotments Sub-Group
  1. To receive and approve the annual pay increase
  1. To consider and approve small grant applications from:
  1. To consider and approve the following planning applications: