Time: 19:00 Location: St Michael’s Centre
You are hereby summoned to attend the Policy & Resources Committee Meeting on Wednesday 11th September, 7pm at the St Michaels Centre, Pen y pound, Abergavenny
Agenda & papers for the Policy & Resources Committee Wednesday 11th September 2019
The public are permitted to address the meeting for up to 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. Maximum 5 minutes for each speaker. No decision can be taken during this session, but the Chairman may decide to refer any matters raised for further consideration.
- To receive and approve apologies for absence
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
- To elect a Vice Chair
- To receive and approve the Committee Terms of Reference
- To agree Service Delivery Sub Committee membership
- To receive the Committee budget and spend to date
- To receive and note payments made from July 2019
- To receive a letter from Stuart Bees, Internal Auditor 2018-19
- To receive a report and agree online banking arrangements (written report)
- To receive and consider amendments to the revised Standing Orders
- To receive and consider amendments to the revised Financial Regulations
- To receive and approve the list of regular expenditure delegated for authorisation by the Town Clerk (written report)
- To consider whether to instruct the web designer to produce the town hall outline to replace the castle outline on the new website cost £200.
- To receive and if appropriate approve the following policies:
- Grievance Policy & Procedure
- Disciplinary Policy & Procedure
- Equality Policy
- Report from County Councillors on relevant matters affecting Abergavenny
- Items for consideration at the next meeting 9thOctober.
Payments Made Since 17Th July 2019
Month 5 Report
List Of Regular Expenditure Within Budget Allocation
Abergavenny Town Council Standing Orders 2019
Jane Lee
Town Hall
Cross Street
01873 735820