- To receive and approve apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda.
- To approve the minutes from 9th March 2022.
- To receive a presentation from Caroline Lewis of Abergavenny Community Trust on an application for £1000 grant towards their summer playscheme.
- To receive a written request from Lucie Parkin of Abergavenny Writing Festival to roll over sponsorship funding from 2021 allocation to the 2022 festival.
- To receive a report on joining the Guild of Macebearers for the Platinum Jubilee Year
- To receive and approve an update from the Town Clerk.
- To receive and note recent payments made in Month 12, including all relevant income and expenditure reports, plus details on underspends and carry overs to General Reserves.
- To consider the following planning applications:
DM/2022/00443 We wish to retain the permission granted for the previous outdoor pavement space, with the addition of a roof. The style of the enclosure is that of a wooden pergola. It is fixed to the building as a permanent structure. 15 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5AH. https://planningonline.monmouthshire.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=R8Y5VPKYK4N00
DM/2022/00469 Rear single storey extension and extension over garage. 37 Cresta Road,
Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 7AU. https://planningonline.monmouthshire.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=R998FAKYK7D00
DM/2021/00962 Demolition of existing single storey garage/utility annexe and replace with new two storey side extension. Demolition existing rear single storey annexe and replace
with two storey rear extension and small corner single storey extension. Replace existing forward projecting single storey flat roof annexe with new mono pitch roof extended to form new porch canopy roof. 20 Park Crescent, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 5TH. https://planningonline.monmouthshire.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=QTPZ55KYG9B00
DM/2022/00427 Condition 2 (the change relates to the construction of a flat roof rather than the pitched roof) relating to application DM/2021/01394. 10 Skirrid Road, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 5UA. https://planningonline.monmouthshire.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=R8UH3JKY00U00
- To receive reports from Councillors attendance at external bodies which are relevant to this Committee.
- To consider items for the next meeting on 18th May 2022.