- To receive and approve apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
- To elect a Mayor for 2021-22 municipal year as directed in statute, Local Government Act 1972 ss 15(2) and 34(2). Nominations are:
Cllr Tudor Thomas (proposed by Cllr David Simcock)
Retiring Mayor says “Councillor ………………….. by the majority vote of the Council, you have been elected to the office of Town Mayor for the year 2021/22.”
- To Receive the Newly Elected Town Mayor’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Town Clerk says – “Mr/Madam Mayor please read and sign the declaration of acceptance of office”
NOTE: The newly elected Mayor will preside over the remainder of the meeting.
- To elect a Deputy Mayor for 2021-22. Nominations are:
Cllr Teslin Davies (proposed by Cllr Tony Konieczny)
The newly elected Mayor says – “Councillor ………..… by the majority vote of the Council you have been elected to the office of Deputy Mayor for the year 2021/22”.
- To receive the Deputy Town Mayor’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Town Clerk says – “Mr/Madam Deputy Mayor please read and sign the declaration of acceptance of office”.
- To agree Chairs & Vice Chairs of Committees for 2021-22 currently:
- Cllr Martyn Groucutt Chair of Policy & Resources Committee & Vice Chair Cllr Tony Konieczny
- Cllr Teslin Davies Chair of People & Communities Committee and Vice Chair Cllr Gethin Jones
- Cllr Tony Konieczny Chair of Environment Committee and Vice Chair Cllr Nick Tatam
- To review by exception Representation on External Bodies 2021-22
- To receive and approve the Risk Register 2021-22
- To receive and approve the Standing Orders 2021-22 (amendments highlighted)
- To receive and approve the Financial Regulations 2021-22 (amendments highlighted)
- To readopt the following policies (amendments highlighted):
- Anti-Bullying & Harassment Policy (date due for review Jan 2020)
- Communication Policy (date due for review Jan 2020)
- Complaints Policy (date due for review Jan 2020)
- Investment Policy (date due for review Jan 2020)
- Social Media Policy (date due for review Jan 2020)
- Member -Officer Protocol (date due for review Jan 2020)
- To receive and reapprove the Scheme of Delegation
- To note the attendance record for 2020-21
- To receive and approve apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda
- To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 14th April 2021
- To receive and note the Town Clerk’s Update
- To receive and approve the Town Crew agreement and name of team
- To receive and approve the text for the Annual Report
- To receive and approve the Wellbeing of Future Generation Annual Report
- To agree the Town Council’s response to the consultation on an all-through school for Abergavenny
- To receive and consider the small grants application from Black Mountain Jazz (power to encourage tourism Local Government Act 1972 s45 (1)(b))
- To receive and consider the request from Llantilio Pertholey Community Council for a joint letter to the Minister for Transport and Economy regarding public transport provision
- To receive reports from Councillors attending meetings of External Bodies
- To consider and approve the following planning applications:
- DM/2021/00675 – Brand logo printed onto an awning outside the front of my coffee shop at 36 Lion Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5PE
- DM/2021/00654 – Change of use to a combined A1/A3 usage to create a small area (mainly on the second floor) as a cafe/coffee sampling area with remainder of premises (including all the ground floor and frontage) as A1 retail at 9 Market Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5SD
- DM/2021/00592 – Two storey extension in place of garage and conservatory at 14 Trinity Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5EA
- DM/2021/00430 – Conversion of existing garage with new pitched roof, new external windows and all associated works at 70 Union Road West, Abergavenny, NP7 7RH
- DM/2021/00672 – Proposed alterations to existing shop frontage at 42 Cross Street
Abergavenny NP7 5ER
- DM/2021/00429 – Energy retrofit and single storey rear extension at 12 Llwynu Road Abergavenny NP7 5TB