PR 26/23 To receive and approve apologies for absence.
PR 27/23 To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda.
PR 28/23 To approve the minutes from 15th February 2023.
PR 29/23: Place Making Presentation from MCC officers Dan Fordham and Claire Sullivan.
PR 30/23: To receive a sponsorship funding request from Abergavenny Art Society.
PR 31/23: To receive a funding request alteration from the Abergavenny Arts Festival.
PR 32/23: To receive an update on revising the current agreement with Melville Centre for the Arts.
PR 33/23: Finance Report months 10 and 11 and virement request (doc 1, doc 2, doc 3, doc 4, doc 5, doc 6).
PR 34/23: To receive a draft Co-option Policy for adoption and approval.
PR 35/23: To decide on a date for an Extraordinary Meeting on the ATC Strategy and Action Plan.
PR36/23: Civic Award Submissions for consideration.
PR37/23: To receive a report from the Media Agency on Website redesign and hosting proposal.
PR38/23: To consider the returned draft Toilet SLA from MCC.
PR39/23: To receive a proposal from MCC on refurbishment and ongoing maintenance costs for White Horse Lane Toilets.
PR40/23: Earmarked Reserves: Project Proposals Report.
PR 41/23: To receive reports from Councillors attendance at external bodies which are relevant to this Committee:
• Abergavenny Eisteddfod – Cllrs Jones and Simcock
• Borough Theatre MCC / ATC Collaboration – Cllrs Groucutt and Konieczny
• Mind Monmouthshire – Cllrs Groucutt and Jones
• Abergavenny Rotary – Cllr K Eldridge
PR 42/23: Report from County Councillors on matters affecting Abergavenny relevant to this Committee.
PR 43/23: To consider items for the next meeting on 19th April 2023.